our Events

Welcome to Dickinson Parks & Recreation
Here at Dickinson Parks and Recreation we focus on bringing the community together by providing endless amounts of programs, events and places for people to recreate.
You'll find first class parks, facilities, trails & programs.
Parks & Trails
Choose your Adventure
Dickinson Park District owns 1,763 acres of parkland and green space which is comprised of 31 developed parks, 9 future park areas, and pedestrian trails. The Park District also manages 14 facilities that can be seen throughout the website. If there’s something you don’t find, please feel free to let us know.

Explore & Discover
Endless Possibilities


Canoeing Section

Tree top challenge

Zip line

Tree climbing


Leaders go Free

Safe, fun and
Awesome trails that are in perfect condition. Everyone always says there is nothing to do in Dickinson. If you want to, you WILL find stuff to do. Love it here. Best town to raise the family.

Elena Stickel
Clean, awesome pool and workout facilities!

Angela Connolly
Over 20 Programs
to Explore
3×3 Women’s Basketball League
NEW IN 2024! The Women’s Basketball League will now be played in a 3x3 format!
Players interested in forming a team must obtain and submit completed registration packet information by the registration deadline. See registration information below or pick up a packet at the Dickinson Parks and Recreation.
QUESTIONS: Please call Wilson McLaughlin at 701-456-2074 or email [email protected]
*All sponsor and player fees MUST BE PAID IN FULL when team registration is submitted or it will not be accepted. It is the team manager’s responsibility to collect all fees ahead of time and submit as one team registration.
- Dec 2-Mar 17
- 18+
- Nov 6
Pickleball Lessons
Dickinson Parks & Recreation has compiled several different options for learning to play the popular sport of pickleball intro to pickleball, beginner lessons and skills and drills. See which works best for you!
Intro to Pickleball
Are you wanting to learn how to play pickleball? This hour class will teach you how to hold a paddle, how to score a game, and teach you the rules. DAYS:- February 4
- March 4
Pickleball Beginner Lessons
Join us for a 2-week crash course that will improve your dinking, serving, understanding of the rules, and more through mini-games and drills designed for the beginner player. DAYS:- February 3 & 10
- March 3 & 10
Pickleball Skills & Drills
A 2-week program for 3.0+ level players who are looking to improve their skills on the 3rd shot drop, drinking, court placement, hitting targets and more. DAYS:- January 20 & 27
- February 17 & 24
- March 17 & 24
- 15+
Tiny Sports
A great introductory class for toddlers to socialize and learn how to play individual and team sports. Activities include basketball, soccer, t-ball, dancing, yoga, running, and an obstacle course to develop participants gross motor and social skills.
- February 4 & 18 (Dance)
- March 4 & 18 (Kickball)
- April 1 & 15 (T-Ball)
- No pre-registration required.
- Must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- 2-5
- 9:00-10:00 am
- $4 walk-in or free with membership
Pickleball For Kids
Learn how to play pickleball in a fun setting with other kids your age. We'll work on the basic skills and play mini-games along the way.
- Select dates you wish to attend during registration process.
- Bring your own paddle. If you do not have one, one will be provided.
- Feb 4, Mar 4
- 8-14
- Tue
Kids Zone
NEW PROGRAM! Use this class while you wait for your next program!
Each day we will have organized activities, time for open play on the basketball courts, a place to draw and color, and outdoor activities. This is a great way to wait for your next program and socialize with others.
- 5-16
- Jul 8-Aug 1
- M-Th
CSI Investigation
NEW PROGRAM! Ever wanted to become a crime scene investigator? Now is your chance! In partnership with the Dickinson Police Department, we'll talk about difference aspects of CSI such as collecting evidence, dusting for fingerprints, and more!
Our conversations in class will revolve around evidence collection and an activity of discovering who stole the gold.
- Ages 10-18
- Registration Deadline is Wednesday prior to session
- July 22-25
- Mon-Thu
- 1:30-3:00 pm