Tiny Sports
A great introductory class for toddlers to socialize and learn how to play individual and team sports. Activities include basketball, soccer, t-ball, dancing, yoga, running, and an obstacle course to develop participants gross motor and social skills.
- February 4 & 18 (Dance)
- March 4 & 18 (Kickball)
- April 1 & 15 (T-Ball)
- No pre-registration required.
- Must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- 2-5
- 9:00-10:00 am
- $4 walk-in or free with membership
Pickleball For Kids
Learn how to play pickleball in a fun setting with other kids your age. We'll work on the basic skills and play mini-games along the way.
- Select dates you wish to attend during registration process.
- Bring your own paddle. If you do not have one, one will be provided.
- Feb 4, Mar 4
- 8-14
- Tue
Kids Zone
NEW PROGRAM! Use this class while you wait for your next program!
Each day we will have organized activities, time for open play on the basketball courts, a place to draw and color, and outdoor activities. This is a great way to wait for your next program and socialize with others.
- 5-16
- Jul 8-Aug 1
- M-Th
CSI Investigation
NEW PROGRAM! Ever wanted to become a crime scene investigator? Now is your chance! In partnership with the Dickinson Police Department, we'll talk about difference aspects of CSI such as collecting evidence, dusting for fingerprints, and more!
Our conversations in class will revolve around evidence collection and an activity of discovering who stole the gold.
- Ages 10-18
- Registration Deadline is Wednesday prior to session
- July 22-25
- Mon-Thu
- 1:30-3:00 pm
Creative Connection
NEW PROGRAM! Do you like building with your hands? If yes, this is the perfect class for you! During our four days together, we'll put together two different remote control kits. At the end of the session, you can take your builds home with you.
- Ages 10-18
- Registration Deadlines: Session 2 - July 3
- July 8-11
- Mon-Thu
- 1:30-3:00 pm
Intro to T-Ball (4 yr old)
Learn the fundamentals of base running, catching and throwing (without gloves) and proper batting stance/grip. No glove required. REQUIREMENTS:- Fee is $15
- Must be age 4 by last day of program.
- Registration deadline is July 11.
T-Ball (5-6 yr old)
Players ages 5-6 will be introduced to the basic skills of throwing, catching, hitting, and running the bases. Participants will hit off the batting tee for entire program. REQUIREMENTS:- Fee is $40
- Must be 5-6 years as of last day of program.
- Baseball glove required.
- Registration deadline is July 8.
- July 11-Aug 8 (Thurs)
- July 8-Aug 7 (M, Tu, W)
- 4:00-4:55 pm
Tennis Lessons (Summer)
In this introductory program, participants will experience the basic fundamental skills associated with the game of tennis in a fun, non-competitive environment.
SESSION 1: June 3-26
- 9-11 yr (9:30-10:25 am)
- 6-8 yr (10:35-11:30 am)
- 9-11 yr (9:30-10:25 am)
- 6-8 yr (10:35-11:30 am)
- Registration deadline is June 3 (1st Session) and July 8 (2nd Session).
- Racquets will be provided if needed.
- June 3-26
- July 8-31
- 6-11
Little Tykes
NEW PROGRAM! Over the course of the month, we will spend two weeks covering how to play soccer and two weeks on how to play kickball through a variety of drills and games.
- Caregivers are required to be present.
- Registration deadline is June 5.
- June 7-28
- 2-5
- Fri
Got Games?
NEW PROGRAM! Come play games with your friends or make new ones while playing popular games on Nintendo Switch and XBox, like NHL '23, Madden '23, F1 Racing, Forza Racing, Switch Sports, Super Mario Party, Super Smash Bros, and more!
- Registration deadline is the Wednesday prior to session.
- June 24-27
- July 15-18
- 10-18
Play for the Tots
PLAY FOR THE TOTS is a new program for ages 2-5, where along with their caregiver they'll have free time to play on the playground, color, craft and play together.
Session 1 | July 1-2
Session 2 | August 7-8
Session 3 | August 12-13 - CANCELLED
- Children must be accompanied by someone ages 16+
- Registration Deadline is 2 days prior to session.
- Fee: $20/session
- 2-5
- 9:00-10:30 am
- $20