Walk with a Doc

We invite you to join us for Walk with a Doc to be held at 9:00 am on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month at WRCC.

Lead Physician: Volney Willett, MD, Family Medicine

Register: Learn more and register >> https://walkwithadoc.org/join-a-walk/locations/dickinson-north-dakota/

Walk with a Doc is an international nonprofit organization started by Dr. David Sabgir, a cardiologist in Columbus, Ohio. Frustrated with his inability to affect behavior change in the clinical setting, Dr. Sabgir invited his patients to go for a walk with him in a local park on a spring Saturday morning. To his surprise, over 100 people showed up, energized and ready to move.

What Happens During a Walk? People of all ages, fitness levels, and backgrounds are welcome to these free, ongoing events. After a brief health discussion from a healthcare provider, participants will spend the rest of the time enjoying a healthy walk at their own pace. They are encouraged to ask health questions and socialize with others in a fun, relaxed setting.

Why Walk? Walking is one of the single most important things we can do four our health – it’s good for your heart, brain, bones, lungs, muscles, joints, and even helps prevent cancer and other chronic diseases. See 100 reason to walk at walkwithadoc.org/why-walk.

Who can join Walk with a Doc? Walkers and rollers of all ages, fitness levels, and backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to attend these ongoing, FREE events—no registration necessary.